Tweet your way to a positive world #SocialtTimeTV #PositiveThurs

On this episode, I get the chance to interview Nikki Thibodeau, the founder of #PositiveThurs! Positive Thursday is a community of people, who on Thursdays, tweet positive things. Things from pictures to quotes, exciting news, appreciation for others and more! All around, it’s a positive time on the hashtag. Nikki shares with us the tools she uses to schedule tweets, monitor the hashtag, curate the content, all the way to the link shortener for her blog post.



Nikki (@Nikki2987) is from Victoria, British Columbia where she was born and raised. She works for a print and promotional company called Island Business Print Group during the day, and works here at at night! Skilled in graphics, marketing and community management, she is an all around rockstar!


Here are the links to the tools we talk about:


Buffer App:


To keep up with Nikki, be sure to check out her blog!


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